Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 75 Nr 1 (2020)

Koleje pod specjalnym nadzorem. Służba Bezpieczeństwa jako instrument nadzoru państwowego nad koleją w latach 1957–1980, cz. 1 (1957–1975)

Zbigniew Bereszyński

Strony: 161-188



Due to their strategic importance, the railways were subject to particular surveillance by the state security apparatus of the Polish People’s Republic. Since 1957, the related tasks were carried out by department III of the Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), which centered its operations on broadly understood economy issues. In 1970 and from then on, the activities of the Security Service were systematized through establishing the so-called “unit cases” for the key organizational units of the railways.


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