Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 76 Nr 1 (2021)

Doba luksemburska (1310–1437) i jej habsburski epilog (1438–1457) w Koronie Czeskiej ze śląskiej perspektywy. Kilka uogólnień z okazji 666. rocznicy cesarskiej koronacji Karola IV w Rzymie

Bogusław Czechowicz

Strony: 5-24



This review paper is an attempt of a general outline of the Czech history (for the whole Crown of Bohemia) from the perspective of Wroclaw, not of Prague, which is justified by the particular role of the Silesian city, which at that time rose to the role of the second to Prague capital of the state. The article is also an attempt to counter the axiology present in Czech historiography, which accentuates the Hussite period. Such “revolutionary” vision of the history of the state led to a peculiar anomaly – the royal power of Sigismund diminished almost entirely, like if the state of Bohemia ceased to be a monarchy. The present paper is also an attempt to bring back into the awareness of historians the Habsburg period in the Czech history (1438–1457), which was longer than the 13 years of the rule of king George of Podebrady (1458–1471), yet it disappears in the general view of the past. The result is the myth of Habsburg assumption of the throne of Bohemia in 1526, while it should be described as the return of the Austrian dynasty to this throne.


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