Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 77 Nr 2 (2022)

Rozważania o sudeckiej Troi. Na kanwie badań archeologicznych na średniowiecznym grodzisku w Kamiennej Górze, woj. dolnośląskie, w 2018 roku

Dawid Maciejczuk
Krzysztof Jaworski

Strony: 5-42



Medieval Silesian written sources mention several times a castle under the name of Landeshut, located within the present-day town of Kamienna Góra. It bears the same name in documents from the 13th century and later. In fact, the stronghold was located not within the walls of the medieval town, but on Zamkowa Góra [Castle Mountain] adjacent to it from the east. It was not until 2018 that the first archaeological study was undertaken there, which yielded up results indicating that the first fortifications on the hill can be traced back to the Early Middle Ages. The excavations have also provided a new insight into the mutual relations between the town of Landeshut and the Landeshut Castle in the Late Middle Ages, mainly in the late 13th and 1st half of the 14th century.


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