Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 73 (2018)

Niemcza (1017) – Budziszyn (1918). Czy historia pisze zwycięzców? (W kręgu przekazu Thietmara z Merseburga)

Strony: 29-54

PDF (English)


The article concerns the shaping of the narrative of Thietmar of Merseburg about the third war between Henry II and Bolesław the Brave (1015–1018), which ended with the Peace of Bautzen. In the description of the culmination of the conflict (the siege of Niemcza in 1017), the moral and theological interpretation of events draws the attention. Thietmar did not conceal his admiration for the defenders of the castle, emphasizing their Christian attitude. In this context, it is surprising that the chronicler called the participants of the expedition victorious and therefore he is sometimes accused of propaganda. Whereas it is more about an assessment of the effects of the war. The description of the events demonstrates that both parties could declare a victory: Henry, because he had got Bolesław’s request for peace, and Bolesław, because he had avoided appearing before Henry II.


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