Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 73 (2018)

Wydarzenia we Wrocławiu w 1418 r. jako wstęp do wybuchu wojen husyckich

Strony: 55-71

PDF (English)


Hussitism was a movement indigenously Czech, with great specificity and political European connections. In the 15th century Silesia was a part of the Bohemian Crown and Wrocław, at the turn of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, was regarded as the second political center in the Bohemian state after Prague. The events that took place in 1418 are known to us in general terms and we even have at our disposal many details from which we can conclude that they were undoubtedly a manifestation of social conflicts and clashing interests of various groups of inhabitants, revealed in the internal life of the medieval city. 


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