Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 74 (2019)

Gospodarcze i społeczne oddziaływanie armii pruskiej na Śląsku w latach 1815–1848. Stan badań i postulaty badawcze

Strony: 29-51

PDF (English)


This study is an introduction to the subject of the Prussian army’s impact on economic and social issues in the Province of Silesia in the years 1815–1848. The most important files on the relations between the army and the civilian population have been preserved in the records of Prussian ministries, offices and local authorities, stored in Polish and German archives. The aim of the text is to indicate a catalogue of the most important issues to be investigated, together with suggestions regarding the methods of their reconstruction. The text discusses the problems of the presence and functions of the Prussian army in Silesia and the catalogue of the benefits for the army.


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