In this essay on the relationship between aesthetics, philosophy and Dada, I attempt to address, in a less standard way, the problem of resistance that contestative and culturoclastic (not only artistic) practices pose to (not only rational) reflection. I refer primarily to the canonical texts of the Dadaists and NeoDadaists, to their lesser-known works, and to the activities of the contemporary Kosciol Nihilistow (Church of Nihilists) group, continuators of the Dada line.
I understand Dada as a lifestyle and a specific approach to reality (not a trend in art or a label). As a “storm that falls on art”, culture and the modern world, challenging it and at the same time offering (nihilistic, “nonsensical”) tips for a way out of the apocalyptic impasse, Dada is a deadly joke and comic seriousness at the same time, and among its earliest followers was Diogenes from Synope, a cynic and Ur-Dada of philosophy in one.
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