
Nr 1(55) (2020)

Modernisation, Electrification, Representation: The Electric “New Poland”, 1935–1939

Strony: 63-77

PDF (English)


The article is the first presentation of the poorly recognized problem of the relationship between modernization and electrification in the Second Rzeczpospolita. The study focuses on a relatively narrow time span, covering several pre-war years. The subject of the author’s interest is not only the architecture of electrical infrastructure, but also the use of electric light in mass political performances. The first part of the article discusses the use of light effects in state celebrations, mainly related to the cult of Józef Piłsudski. Then the process of modernization of the power grid was presented, including the construction of transformer stations and power plants. The topic of the next part is the importance of electricity in modern management of the metropolis. The article also discusses strategies of depicting large hydro technical investments. The title issue was shown against the background of phenomena occurring in the architecture and Western culture of that time. The study was based, among others, on archival materials and professional magazines from the period.


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