
Nr 4(54) (2019)

„Głowa św. Jana Chrzciciela na misie Herodiady” Teofila Lenartowicza – 
z dziejów rzeźby romantycznej

Magdalena Bartnikowska-Biernat

Strony: 3-13



Teofil Lenartowicz – a Polish poet, who spent most of his life in exile in Florence – after moving to Italy quickly became known as a talented sculptor. Although his vocabulary was limited (the artist did not receive any academic education), his works of art present their own style, which went beyond the tendencies present in Polish and Italian sculpture of the 19th century. As such, they were appreciated by his contemporaries – in Italy by the sculptor Giovanni Dupré, in Poland by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, Agaton Giller and Cyprian Godebski. Lenartowicz combined elements of religious, monumental and historical art in his sculptural works, at the same time saturating them with thoughtful symbolism. It should be noted at this point that he specialized in a relatively unpopular relief. The above-mentioned features of Lenartowicz’s sculpture can be seen in one of his most important works – The Head of St. John the Baptist on Herodias’ Platter.


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