
Nr 4(54) (2019)

Przekształcenia formy i funkcji pokazów latarni magicznej w XIX-wiecznej Japonii

Dawid Głownia

Strony: 32-42



The article discusses the transformations that took place in the form and functions of the magic lantern shows in Japan during the 19th century. The paper distinguishes three breakthrough moments: the development of a local variant of the entertainment shows of the magic lantern (utsushi-e) at the beginning of the 19th century, the emergence of the idea of employing a modern version of this apparatus (gentō) for educational purposes in the 1870s and its use for spiritual and economic mobilization of Japanese citizens during the First Sino-Japanese War. The part concerning utsushi-e outlines the specificity of this kind of shows, the formal treatments applied in them and the properties of the projection apparatus itself, made not of metal, as in the case of western projectors, but of light wood. In the section on educational presentations, it was noted that the idea of using a magic lantern for this purpose was put forward by Seiichi Tejima in 1874, and the Japanese authorities quickly accepted the idea. The differences in the form of entertainment and educational shows were also discussed, noting that in the latter, the spontaneity of reception was eliminated. In the section on the war between Japan and China, it was stated that the magic lantern was one of the many media involved in the process of reporting and depicting military actions. In the section on the war between Japan and China, it was stated that the magic lantern was one of the many media involved in the process of reporting and depicting military operations. It was also emphasized that, contrary to previous educational shows, during these war ones the audience reacted spontaneously to the projected images and the narration of the speaker.


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