
Nr 4(54) (2019)

Początki profesjonalizacji rynku sztuki na ziemiach polskich w XIX i na początku XX wieku

Ewa Skotniczna

Strony: 82-98



The article describes the beginnings of the professionalisation of the art market in Poland in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Professionalisation should be understood as the transformation of amateur, often accidental, trade of works of art and antiques into a system based on the activity of specialist institutions dealing with the brokering of artistic objects. Such initiatives include primarily private art salons, which appeared in Polish artistic life since the late 1870s and gained popularity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. These initiatives, of a commercial and exhibition character, were to increase the level of art trade by means of a selected offer, taking care of mutual interest of the parties involved in the transaction and popularizing artistic matters in order to develop the taste of the audience.


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