
Nr 3(53) (2019)

Słowiański rynek i polska attyka. Zamość w myśli Jana Sas-Zubrzyckiego na podstawie artykułów jego autorstwa

Paulina Korneluk

Strony: 42-59



This article is a review of four almost unknown articles by Jan Sas-Zubrzycki, an architect and researcher living at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries that concern his views on the architecture and history of the ideal city – Zamość. In these texts, the researcher for the first time denies the claim that Zamość originated from Italian inspirations, replacing them with a narrative about the Lechite-Slavic origin of the models on which the city was built. Sas-Zubrzycki also writes about the founder of the centre – Jan Zamojski, as well as about the city walls, urban planning and architectural elements characteristic for Zamość – arcades and the attic. According to him, everything represents strictly Polish traits, which the researcher considers to be perfect and therefore not in need of foreign patterns. Sas-Zubrzycki’s theses were the basis for research on Zamość in the period of the Second Polish Republic and a tool for the repolonization of the city after the long period of annexation during the Partition.


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