Articles and studies

Vol. 77 No. 3 (2022)

„Niemiłe przebudzenie” – Wielka Brytania wobec chińskiego ruchu na rzecz odzyskania praw do kolei (1905–1911)

Mateusz Nowikiewicz

Pages: 7-34

PDF (Język Polski)


The purpose of this article is to present a certain episode from the history of railroads in China – the reaction of diplomats and British business entities to the actions of the Railway Rights Recovery Movement (shouhui luquan yundong) during the final years of the Qing dynasty rule. First, a broader historical context is outlined, and within it the earliest attempts to establish railway infrastructure in the Middle Kingdom and Chinese policy on this matter. Then, British activities, aimed at protecting the concession to build the railway link between Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo, are described. An important thread is the issue of the way of thinking and reaching certain conclusions among British diplomats and so-called China Hands regarding the growing assertiveness of China in its relations with global powers, which was observed at that time, and an increasing resistance of this country against external economic control, including the area of railway investments.


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