Articles and studies

Vol. 78 No. 2 (2023)

Polish historiography on Silesia in the first two decades of the 21st century

Pages: 91-109



At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, scientific deficits and thematic deficiencies in Silesian historical research were analysed in the university environment. Both scientific works, based on classical historical methodology, and others, that did not meet these requirements, were published. In parallel with the observed decrease in the number of scientific publications, the publication activity of persons not professionally related to historical research increased. When assessing the resulting literature, in general historical publications on the history of Silesia, Silesian studies were distinguished, representing objective classical history and subjective narration, called ahistory. Scientific disciplines, within which the research into Silesian history in a fragmentary way and for utilitarian purposes is conducted, were also identified.


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