Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 73 Nr 1 (2018)

Żydowskie domy dziecka na Dolnym Śląsku prowadzone przez Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce (CKŻP) – zarys problematyki

Barbara Techmańska

Strony: 77-100



The article discusses the issue of Jewish orphanages located in Lower Silesia and subordinate to the Central Committee of Jews in Poland in the years 1945–1950. It focuses attention on the educational system adopted in the institutions in Bielawa, Niemcza, Pieszyce, and Legnica (from the Korczak idea to adopting the socialist ideology), as well as on activities that were meant to pass the “Jewish spirit” on to the pupils and provide them with something resembling a family home.


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