Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 73 Nr 2 (2018)

Uwagi na temat funkcjonowania sejmiku województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego w Środzie w czasach panowania Władysława IV

Robert Kołodziej

Strony: 31-48



The article discusses selected aspects of the functioning of the Poznań and Kalisz Provincial Assembly in Środa in the times of Władysław IV (1633–1648). Such issues are addressed as the manner of convening the Assembly, its location and duration, as well as the participants of the sessions. The types and functions of the Assemblies and the preserved documentation are discussed and briefly described. The final element is an analysis of problems related to the functioning of the Assembly were analysed, which in the period under discussion were relatively few – the calm and peaceful reign of Władysław IV was conducive to political stability.


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