Miscellanea źródłowe

Tom 74 Nr 1 (2019)

Opolskie „przeciwdziałania ofensywie reakcyjnego kleru” w 1958 r.

Andrzej Hanich

Strony: 113-140



The letter from the Central Committee of Polish United Workers’ Party (Komitet Centralny Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej – KC PZPR) from July 1958 regarding „Countering the offensive of reactionary clergy” exacerbated the depart from the “political thaw” course of October 1956. First of two documents published in this article, from 1958, originating from the Voivodeship (Provincial) Committee of PZPR (KW PZPR) in Opole, depicts the process of purging the party ranks of so-called “clericalists”; the second document pertains the presence of crosses in schools.


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