Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 74 Nr 2 (2019)

Ucieczki za granicę oraz inne formy nielegalnej emigracji w historii Śląska Opolskiego. Część I. Lata 1945–1955. Zarys problematyki w świetle materiałów cywilnego aparatu bezpieczeństwa

Zbigniew Bereszyński

Strony: 81-126



The region of Opole Silesia, and from 1950 the Opole Voivodeship (province), encompassed a vast majority of the newly formed Polish–Czechoslovakian borderland, shaped in consequence of World War II. This particular part of the state border was characterized by lack of significant natural barriers. This circumstance created favorable conditions for escape attempts from a country ruled by communists. Odra River, a communication “spine” of the region, also offered a chance of flight to the West.


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