Miscellanea źródłowe

Tom 74 Nr 4 (2019)

Zaginiony dokument Alberta, księcia strzeleckiego, dla cystersów jemielnickich z datą 30 V 1328 r. Uzupełnienie do Urkunden des Klosters Himmelwitz

Maciej Woźny

Strony: 81-90



The article concerns a document of Albert, duke of Strzelce, issued on May 30, 1328. The document itself is lost. It is known only from one sentence in the 2nd volume of Codex diplomaticus Silesiae and from register compiled by Augustin Weltzel and Friedrich von Schirnding. Both researchers used a translation of the document by Jucundinus Pientak, which is a basis of this source edition.


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