Artykuły i studia materiałowe

Tom 76 Nr 2 (2021)

Poznańska Biblioteka Niemiecka (1996–2021) jako oryginalny projekt edytorski i jej wkład w stosunki polsko-niemieckie

Mateusz Łukaszewski

Strony: 107-128


The Poznań German Library (Poznańska Biblioteka Niemiecka – PBN), founded by prof. Hubert Orłowski, a renowned Germanist from the Adam Mickiewicz University and celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is one of the most valuable editorial initiatives in Polish humanities after 1989. Its authors and editors in the volumes published within this series attempted to familiarize Polish readership with the reflection of German intellectuals on the culture and history of Germany and German nation. Therefore, it’s worth recalling in what circumstances the PBN emerged, what ideas motivated its founder and how the PBN shaped the notions about Germans among Poles.


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