
Tom 2 (2024)

Uczta pustelników w „Antoniadzie” Maffea Vegia (III 73–130)

Strony: 45-71



This article offers a discussion of verses III 73–130 from Maffeo Vegio’s Antoniad, alongside their translation into Polish accompanied by commentary. In the second part of the third book of the poem, we witness the encounter between Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Paul the Anchorite. We can call it the ‘feast of the hermits’, echoing numerous epic feasting scenes. The article highlights the primary disparities between the poem and Jerome’s Life of Saint Paul in their treatment of this scene. While Vegio remains largely faithful to Jerome’s text, he occasionally permits himself some deviations. These differences arise not solely from the adoption of different genres; Jerome and Vegio wrote within distinct contexts and pursued distinct objectives.


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