
No. 1 (2018)

The Current Migration Crisis as an Element of Economic Relations of the Arab and the West of the World

Pages: 79-92

PDF (Język Polski)


One of the most important problems of present times in Europe is the migration crisis, understood as a spontaneous and uncontrolled inflow of refugees from the areas of the Middle East and North Africa. The article shows that this process is of objective nature, and its cause is, on the one hand, the political and economic situation in the Middle East and Africa and, on the other hand, political transformations in the European Union. It is the coexistence of these factors that causes the social processes discussed here to proceed, now and in the near future, in a dynamic manner. The article draws attention to the need to include the economic reasons for this process in the organizational framework. It is justifiable that owing thereto, it will be possible to minimize cultural conflicts and counteract phenomena hindering the adaptation of new citizens and residents of the European Union.


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