For authors

General information

  1. Articles should be sent only by e-mail to the editorial office of the journal:
  2. The editorial board accepts scientific texts – theoretical studies, research papers, reviews and working papers.
  3. The journal does not charge authors any publication fees.
  4. Fabrica Societatis accepts only articles prepared in accordance with editorial guidelines. Texts that do not meet these requirements will not be submitted for review.
  5. Along with the article, please send to the editorial office a signed scan of the statement containing basic information about the author, confirmation of the originality of the text and confirmation of the transfer of proprietary copyrights of the article to the publisher.
  6. Editors accept texts in Polish and English. All theoretical studies, research, reviews and working papers should be accompanied by a summary in Polish and English (150–250 words) and keywords (3–5) in Polish and English. The title of the article should also be written in both languages and placed at the beginning of the manuscript.
  7. The editorial office asks for a separate metadata file, i.e. a note identifying the author/authors (name/names, surname/surnames of the author/authors, affiliation/s, contact details and, if the author has it, also ORCID). This separate file should also contain article titles, abstracts and keywords in both languages. The file with the text of the article must not contain any data allowing the identification of the author/s. The submitted manuscript will be forwarded to the reviewers without the names of the author(s) and affiliation.
  8. The abstract should facilitate and accelerate the processing of information, make available research results and conclusions. Therefore, attention should be paid to its accessibility (text content, consistent cognitive strategies) and structure (legible and logical layout of the text). It should contain the following information: purpose/thesis, research concept/methods, results and conclusions, research limitations (optional), practical applications (optional), originality/cognitive value. Both language versions of the abstract should have the same content. Keywords should be selected in such a way as to increase the chance of finding the text through internet search engines.
  9. Due to the necessity to anonymize the text, avoid expressions that would enable the identification of the author (special attention should be paid to the fragments containing self-references and self-quotes).
  10. The author(s) of the article are usually informed within three months about the acceptance of the article by the Editorial Board and sending it for review. The answer regarding the final decision to publish the manuscript will be sent after the completion of the peer-review procedure.
  11. The decision to publish an article is the result of obtaining two positive reviews (i.e. not containing the sentence “reject”)

Rules of Review

  1. Each submitted article undergoes a two-stage review – internal and external. A positive internal (editorial) review qualifies the text for submission to external reviewers.
  2. Each text is reviewed by two reviewers, confidentially and anonymously, using a “double-blind review.” The author and the reviewer do not know their identities.
  3. The editorial board selects reviewers who are competent in a given field and have at least a doctoral degree. The choice is also dictated by the fact that there is no suspicion of a conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author of the text.
  4. After the Editorial Board receives both reviews, the author of the paper is informed about their result and receives the content of the review with a clear conclusion as to whether the article is accepted or rejected. In the case of reviews containing indications of changes in the text, the author is obliged to introduce the suggested corrections. The publication of the text takes place after introducing the required changes and obtaining a positive review of the Editorial Board.
  5. The basic principles of reviewing publications are in line with the recommendations prepared by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Good practices in reviewing procedures in science).

Paper structure and bibliography formula

  1. The editors would like to keep the following structure of the article:
  • on the first page — TITLE of the article (without the names of the author/s)
  • below the title — ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS
  • main part of the article (divided into problematized fragments, with subtitles)
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and/or information regarding research funding

Fragments of the works cited in the article, containing less than 40 words, should be placed in the text of the article and separated with quotation marks. Fragments of the works cited in the article, containing 40 words and more, should be extracted from the text by placing in a block with a left margin of 1.5 and written in font 11 with a line spacing of 1.0. The citation must end with a reference to the source along with an indication of the page number on which the given excerpt appears in the original work. Sentences omitted in the quoted text should be marked with an ellipsis in round brackets.

  1. TITLES of the works cited in the article should be written in italics.
  • file type: Microsoft Word
  • standard text length: 4000-7000 words (the maximum length is 8000 words, which is approximately equal to 20 pages of standard text)
  • font: Times New Roman 12
  • line spacing: 1.5
  • margins: 2.5
  • justified text
  1. TABLES can be placed in the file together with the text, while CHARTS and PHOTOS should be delivered separately. It is best to send charts in an MS Excel file or as vector files (if they were made in other programs). Photographs, in turn, should be attached in the original graphic files.
  2. NOTES:

Substantive notes should be placed at the bottom of the page, and bibliographic notes in the text. References to sources should include:

–    in the case of citation: author’s name, year of publication, page number

(Giddens, 1991, s. 12)

–    when citing the source: author's name, year of publication (or page number)

According to Giddens (1991), ...

According to Giddens (1991, s. 18), …

–    citing two books by the same author published in the same year, we use the following notation:

(Giddens 1991a; Giddens 1991b)

–    if the cited work has two authors, we put both surnames, while in the case of more authors, we give the first surname and “et al."”

(Giddens et al. 1991)

  1. BIBLIOGRAPHY should include all the sources referred to in the text in alphabetical order. Items that will be included in the bibliography, but not referenced in the body of the article, will be deleted. Please prepare a bibliography according to the following formula:

BOOK - surname, initial of the name of the author (editor), year of publication, title, place of publication, publisher:        

 Weinberg,  G. (1972). Society and the healthy homosexual. Boston: Alyson Publications

BOOK (more than three authors) – surnames, initials of the names of the authors (editors), year of publication, title, place of publication, publisher:         

Bobrowski, K., Kowalski, P. i Nowak, A. (2001). Potoczne teorie dotyczące emocji. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo XYZ

    CHAPTER IN A BOOK – surname of the author of the chapter, year of publication, chapter title, first name initial and surname of the author / editor, books, book title, pages from-to, place of publication, publisher:

          Graff, A. (2008). Płeć i naród tu i teraz. W: E.H. Oleksy (red.), Tożsamość i obywatelstwo w społeczeństwie wielokulturowym (s. 140–158). Warszawa: WN PWN

Allardt, E. (1993). Having, Loving, Being: An Alternative to the Swedish Model of Welfare Research. W: M. Nussbaum, A. Sen (ed.), The Quality of Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 88–94.

ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL – surname and initial of the first name, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, number (volume) of the journal, pages from-to:

          Gulczyńska, A. (2011). Stygmaty i schematy. Nowy Obywatel, 4, 38–39

          Seeleman, C., Suurmond, J., Stronks, K. (2009). Cultural competence: a conceptual framework for teaching and learning.  Medical Education 43(3), 229–237

    the bibliographic description of the WEBSITE must contain the author's name and title of the text, website address and date of access:

          Bossak-Herbst Barbara (2018) Etnograficzny portret publiczności warszawskich wyścigów konnych. „Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej”, t. 14, nr 2, s. 6–28  [dostęp 10, 07, 2018]. Dostępny w Internecie:›. DOI:        

        CBOS (2011) Polacy w szponach hazardu. BS/64/2011, Warszawa. Dostępny w Internecie:› [dostęp 2 maja 2015 r.].

Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
e-ISSN: 2657-3679


Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
ul. Koszarowa 3
51-149 Wrocław


  • Erih Plus
  • DOAJ
  • Index Copernicus