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Vol. 5 (2014): Cywilizacje w perspektywie socjologicznej. Stan i kierunki badań nad cywilizacjami współczesnego świata

Naśladownictwo vs wyjątkowość: wybrane cechy cywilizacji radzieckiej w dziele Siergieja Kara-Murzy

  • Kateryna Novikova
31 December 2014


Imitation vs uniqueness: Selected features of the Soviet civilization in the work of Sergey Kara-Murza

At the end of the 20th c., ten years aft er the Soviet Union had collapsed, the famous Russian researcher and social thinker Sergey Kara-Murza offered his opus magnum about the Soviet civilization, written, as he emphasized on the cover, ‘with love towards the Soviet order.’ The author used a lot of sources, statistics and facts unfortunately rarely cited by him, frequently refering also to the everyday life of ordinary people, as well as some specific events, elite decisions and behavior. The work is rich in his autobiographic memories and observations as well as some strongly accented political views and social-historical ideas. Kara-Murza considers the society that existed on that specific territory from 1917 till 1991 a unique civilization that was deeply rooted, had serious moral foundations and adequate economic base. In his opus magnum Kara-Murza presented both the history of the Soviet civilization and the reasons it failed to survive the changes of the late 20th c.
He emphasised its uniqueness, authenticity, independence and the incomparable character of the Soviet order with its collectivity, self-help, community and social justice. Throughout his work he compares these authentic features with pro-Western imitation trends in culture, social life, economy and later politics that were later fatal for the Soviet civilization and ever contemporary Russia.