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Vol. 5 (2014): Cywilizacje w perspektywie socjologicznej. Stan i kierunki badań nad cywilizacjami współczesnego świata

Pęknięcie wewnątrz cywilizacji? Dezintegracja transatlantycka

  • Piotr Pieńkowski
31 December 2014


A split inside civilisation? Transatlantic disintegration

The main aim of this article is to describe the process of a potential split of the West into two separate subcivilisations: European and American. First, I define what the main categories of the sociology of civilisations are: the West, integration and disintegration, S.P. Huntington’s theory of the clash of civilisations and P. Kłodkowski’s theory of the split of civilisations. Then I characterise what the Transatlantic Relations are. I focus on the history of these relations and I describe contemporary dimensions that differentiate Europe and America. Finally, I examine potential scenarios for the future.