About us

Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci (CNS) [Academic Journals on the Web] is a database addressed to publishers, editors and, above all, to readers. It contains journals from a variety of academic disciplines. The basic criterion for a journal to be included in the database is its scholarly nature. Other criteria can be found in the structure of the journal website.

A journal may be added to the CNS, if it is issued periodically (e.g. annually, bi-annually or quarterly).

The objective of the CNS database is to provide readers with access to the latest results of research conducted in various academic centres. Access to abstracts and sample pages is free. In addition, the database makes it possible to read the full text (technical tests of this function are under way).

The authors of the CSN database hope that it will not only accelerate exchange of scholarly information, but will also inspire discussions and, as a result, new research.

Journals first added to the database were those issued in 2010 and 2011. More recent issues, beginning with those from 2012, as well as earlier ones will be added on a regular basis.

Any information about the functioning of the website sent by readers to cns@wuwr.pl will facilitate work on the improvement of its functionality.

All articles made available by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego in PDF format can be found on www.wuwr.pl.

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o.

plac Uniwersytecki 15
50-137 Wrocław

NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 8971066307
REGON [Company Registration Number]: 93081260800000


Registered in the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna, 6th Commercial Division, National Court Register no. 0000184833

Share capital: PLN 100,000

e-mail: cns@wuwr.pl

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