For readers and authors

The CNS database contains abstracts of a vast majority of the articles available in it. Readers can now also download articles.

The CNS database contains articles from academic journals. The database is constantly expanded – new journals are added as are archive issues.

The articles are obviously linked to the websites of their journals and successive issues. A list of the journals to be found in the CNS is available on every page of the site.

A search engine makes it possible to search for an article by title, key words or ISSN number. An author’s name entered into the search box will lead to a list of the author’s articles available in the database irrespective of the journals in which they have been published.

The database contains both free and paid articles (

Downloading an article from the database requires registration on the CNS website. All texts are available in PDF format (

The articles are protected under the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994. Under Articles 23-35, registered users may download and print out articles only for their own use. Copying, dissemination and processing of articles without the CNS’ written consent is forbidden.

The CNS is the administrator of personal data processed in connection with maintaining the website.