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Tom 26 (2016): Kulturowe uwarunkowania zachowań językowych — tradycja i zmiana

Wartościowanie w poradnictwie kulinarnym w świetle przeobrażeń społecznych drugiej połowy XX wieku

  • Joanna Smól
22 lutego 2017


Valuing in cooking tips in light of the social transformations in the second half of the 20th century

The article describes valuing in cooking tips presented in the weekly Przyjaciółka between 1950 and 2000. The first part shows the typical values of cooking tips in the period of the Polish Republic of Poland, while the second part describes those that predominated in post-1989 cooking advice. Women’s magazines of the socialism era valued efficiency, speed of cooking and simplicity in the preparation of dishes. In contrast, after 1989, the aesthetics of serving the dishes, their excellent taste, originality, health benefits and elegant character were emphasized. This reevaluation is associated with the increased standard of living, opening to the world and changes in the contemporary Poles’ consciousness about healthy eating.