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Tom 26 (2016): Kulturowe uwarunkowania zachowań językowych — tradycja i zmiana

Dobre słowo jako tekst magiczny. Życzenie — pozdrowienie — błogosławieństwo

  • Ewa Masłowska
22 lutego 2017


Good words as a magical text: Wishes, greetings, blessings

The article is devoted to cultural patterns of creating favourable reality by means of magic words and gestures. The analysis of cognitive settings of wishing scenarios is focused on the semantic memory of symbols referring to a myth and reactivated in the ritual of blessing or expressing good wishes, lexical items etymological meaning and connotation and axiology — the principal criterion of selection which explains the use of traditional patterns and modifications of the code. The author explores the semantic core of wishing rituals preserved in stereotypical patterns of cultural memory and examines their linguistic manifestations.