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Tom 26 (2016): Kulturowe uwarunkowania zachowań językowych — tradycja i zmiana

„Będę singielką jak moja mama”, czyli o cywilizacyjnych zmianach w języku dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym

  • Halina Zgółkowa
  • Izabela Matuszewska
22 lutego 2017


„I will be a single-woman like my Mummy”, or about civilization changes in language using by pre-school children

The main aim of this paper is to show how two immediately successive generations of pre-school children own — thanks to language — the rules of participation in social life and knowledge of the surrounding world. These two generations were the ones, who in the years 1980–83 were at a pre-school age and are now parents of children of the same age in 2010–2013. The analysis of the lexical score and language consciousness conducted from a thirty years’ perspective gave unexpected results which suggest the need to revise Baudouin de Courtenay’s thesis, according to which children’s language is a kind of projection of adult users language representing the next generation. Made confrontations done show how many new words which were not used by the previous generation, i.e. parents appear in the lexical score and in consciousness of today pre-schools.