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Vol. 21 (2009): Tabu w języku i kulturze

„Blau wie ein Veilchen” – eufemistyczne związki frazeologiczne w języku niemieckim opisujące picie alkoholu

  • Anna Gondek
  • Joanna Szczęk
31 December 2009


Blau wie ein Veilchen – euphemistic phraseological collocations describing drinking alcohol in German


The aim of the article is to present euphemistic phraseological collocations in German language from the semantic field classified as ‘drinking alcohol.’ The basis for the analysis is a group of 333 collocations included in German phraseological dictionaries. The criterion for the distinction of the collocations in the range of semantics is the association of their meaning with the semantic field ‘drinking alcohol.’ The formal criterion is constituted by the definitional properties of the collocations according to Wolfgang Fleischer.