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Vol. 23 (2012): Akty i gatunki mowy w perspektywie kulturowej

Uwarunkowania zewnętrzne a realizacja wzorca gatunkowego protokołu

  • Anna Wojciechowska
31 December 2012


External factors in terms of protocol genremodel implementation

The article presents the impact of external factors on the protocol genre model implementation. Specific text actualizations: a set of six manuscripts of Polish societies from the second half of the 19th century serves as a material for the article. The analysis proves that external conditions may affect all levels of the protocol genre model structural, pragmatic, cognitive, stylistic and that the effect of some factors is permanent, while others occasional. The largest is the impact of the characteristics of participants of the event, among which the position in the community, social and professional status are of paramount importance, while gender, personality traits and emotional state are less important. The effect of purpose, place and time of the operation of the community manifests itself mainly in the analysis of the stylistic and cognitive aspects in the actualization of the model. The segments that compose the report on the course of sessions are the parts vulnerable to the modification of the protocol under the influence of external conditions.