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Vol. 25 (2015): Struktura słowa a interpretacja świata

Rola świata zwierząt w budowaniu językowego obrazu świata na przykładzie czasowników utworzonych od nazw zwierząt w języku niemieckim i polskim

  • Joanna Szczęk
  • Stefan Ludwin
14 November 2016


The role of the animal world in creating a linguistic image of the world based on the example of verbs derived from names of animals in German and Polish languages

The article presents the influence of the word of animals, which is included in the structure of a word, on the creation of a linguistic image of the world of German and Polish cultural society. The basis for the analysis is constituted by German and Polish verbs derived from the names of animals, which correspond with various aspects of animal existence and their meaning is transferred into certain spheres of human life. The units for the research were collected from both German and Polish dictionaries on the basis of the etymological criteria, indicating their relation to names of animals. The aim of the analysis is to identify the characteristic traits of animals which have an influence on the creation of a linguistic image of the world in German and Polish cultural society.