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Vol. 26 (2016): Kulturowe uwarunkowania zachowań językowych — tradycja i zmiana

Kulturowe uwarunkowania zachowań językowych a praktyka glottodydaktyczna w perspektywie normy socjokulturowej

  • Jerzy Kowalewski
22 February 2017



Cultural determinants of language behavior and the practice of foreign language teaching in the perspective of socio-cultural norms

The article discusses the problem of the existing variants of socio-cultural behaviour including socio-linguistic behaviour, based on the example of the Polish community in Ukraine. The author considers the possibility of accepting deviations from some of the socio-cultural norms considered in Poland as acceptable variants of the norms, similarly to the linguistic norms. In the second part of the article the author analyses students’ statements considered as incorrect in terms of the possibility of accepting them as alternative forms of socio-cultural norms.