Sztuka popularna – doświadczenie dla każdego Dewey, Shusterman
Słowa kluczowe:
pragmatyzm, estetyka, Dewey, Shusterman, sztuka, filmAbstrakt
Popular art – experience for everyone Dewey, Shusterman
John Dewey thought that the aesthetic quality constitutes integrating the core of everyone’s experience. In that case, the existence of a contemporary man, increasingly shaped by omnipresent mass media is, above all, experienced from the perspective of a popular art. Its character determines not only the course of everyday personal experience, but also the quality of social interactions. For this reason the popular art requires a theoretical appreciation. Therefore Richard Shusterman, inspired by the reflection of the author of Art as experience, creates a vision of aesthetics of "moderate emotions", correlating with the standards of an average pop culture consumer. The question arises whether one of the most popular arts, that is the movie, turning towards the mass audience, does not sometimes lead them towards transgressive experience, more than causing quite extreme emotional states.