O osobliwosciach Galileuszowej filozofii matematyzacji nauk przyrodniczych


  • Zbigniew Pietrzak


<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>About the peculiarities of the Galilean Mathematization Philosophy of Natural Science </strong><br /><br />Analyzing the phenomenon of motion, Galileo was faced with a theme which had been the subject of detailed works of philosophers and scientists since ancient times. Galileo's contribution to solving this problem relied on, among other things,&nbsp; the original method of capturing the motion phenomenon and describing it in the language of geometry. Galileo noted that so far no one had investigated the relationship occurring between&nbsp; selected movement parameters such as acceleration, speed, route and time. Moreover, no one tried to consistently use the geometric procedures to describe, for example, the proportions between the distance travelled and the acceleration, etc. The choice of geometry to analyze the motion was not a coincidence. Having arithmetic and algebra at his disposal, Galileo concluded that only geometry meets all the conditions to be regarded as scientific knowledge, which can be a guarantee for the conclusions formulated during the research on&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; movement. As history shows, though Galileo's method seems somewhat anachronistic today, it fulfilled its role&nbsp; perfectly.</p>

