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Tom 4 (2011): Tabloidy — język, wartości, obraz świata

Człowiek — język — świat według współczesnych polskich tabloidów (zarys problematyki)

  • Kazimierz Ożóg
1 stycznia 2011


Humanity — language — the world according to contemporary Polish tabloids (an outline)

We are witnessing a growing popularity of tabloids in Poland. This is a result of two phenomena that will be the subject of my analysis: first, the content tackled by the tabloids, second — the way it is disseminated, characterised by the dominance of the image over the word. The article presents the results of research into the language of two Polish tabloids, “Super Express” and “Fakt.” Using the language of these tabloids, I analyse the most important vectors in the vision of the world and the image of humanity they propose. The research has shown that Polish tabloids present a vision of humanity and the world characterised by such categories and sensationalism, extraordinariness, commonness and shocking content. The system of values they present is highly relative. These newspapers, targeted at a wide public, use colloquial language to a large extent.