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Rozprawy i artykuły

Tom 4 (2011): Tabloidy — język, wartości, obraz świata

Komsomolskaja Prawda: od ideologicznej tuby do tabloidu

  • Michał Sarnowski
1 stycznia 2011


“Komsomolskaya Pravda”: from an ideological mouthpiece to a tabloid

The article introduces into the Polish scholarly discourse some basic information about the origins and evolution of the Russian paper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and constitutes the first attempt to interpret and assess the paper’s cultural and linguistic profile. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” was established by the communist authorities as the party’s propaganda tool to be used to influence young people in the Soviet Union; during the transformation period in Russia 1992 it transformed itself into a social-political daily paper focused on the young generation of Russians and on the entire post-Soviet region. The transformation of the political and social formula of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” also led to profound changes in direct communication, especially with regard to new genres and, first of all, the language of the publication. However, the increasing tabloidisation of the paper does not remove from its image and from its attitude to the external global reality and to the Russian political elite the old elements
that have their roots in the “good old” Soviet days.