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Analizy i studia przypadków

Tom 5 (2012): Analiza dyskursu centrum–peryferie

Ze Wschodu na Zachód, czyli wielopłaszczyznowa lingwistyczna analiza dyskursu w pigułce

  • Dorota Miller
31 grudnia 2012


From the East to the West, or a multi-level linguistic discourse analysis in a nutshell

The article refers to a model, proposed by Warnke and Spitzüller 2008, of the so-called multi-level linguistic discourse analysis DIMEAN. The model, which in a way sums up the current developments in the thriving German discourse linguistics, combines discourse analysis on the level of intertextuality, transtextuality and discourse actors. The aim of the present article is to provide an outline of the basic assumptions of the model and to illustrate them, using a selected analysis as an example.