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Analizy i studia przypadków

Tom 5 (2012): Analiza dyskursu centrum–peryferie

Problemy tłumaczenia wiadomości dziennikarskich (przypadek Łotwy w polskich mediach)

  • Grzegorz Zarzeczny
31 grudnia 2012


Issues in global news translation (case of Latvia in Polish media)

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of translation of the news made in specific language-cultural context. Theoretical basis of the analysis are critical discourse analysis and postcolonial studies as well as translation and media studies. Empirical part of the paper aims at reconstruction and qualitative analysis of a complex media fact as opposite to actual fact of “commemoration of Nazi murderers within former Nazi concentration camp.” Possible process of creation and circulation of the news is reconstructed and two companion phenomena are analysed. Those are: hidden ideologization of the news in Russian media as well as recontextualisation of the same news in Polish media.