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Rozprawy i artykuły

Tom 6 (2013): Język władzy

Koncepcja podmiotu retorycznego jako narzędzie badania języka i retoryki władzy

  • Krzysztof Grzegorzewski
2 lipca 2014


The concept of rhetorical subject as a tool for studying the language and rhetoric of power

The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the concept of the rhetorical subject in relation to the language of politics and power. The author describes the subject as a speaker with a set of features which may influence his or her ability to speak in public and thus persuade or even manipulate his or her audience. The list includes nine most important features, which may be used to describe the rhetorical subject in the public and political discourse, primarily in the mass media. The concept may inspire studies into the public and political debate, and the language of politics and power.