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Rozprawy i artykuły

Tom 6 (2013): Język władzy

Kobieta poza władzą. Polemika emancypacyjna z kulturą androcentryczną

  • Agnieszka Małocha-Krupa
2 lipca 2014


A woman beyond power. Emancipatory polemics with the androcentric culture

The article discusses the power of androcentric culture, within which a stereotype of a woman was shaped for centuries, and the polemics that use image schemata. The author refers to the 14th century dispute Quod femina non est homo, a discussion about the female nature or rather about its image construct shaped for centuries, to the history of emancipation movements and late 19th century journalistic writing. She refers to selected historical documents philosophical and theological treatises, and emancipation journals, around which and in which a debate was held that directly affected the development of the social position of women, their daily life and opportunities for participating in the public discourse. The article is also a historical sketch, which may initiate detailed research into how the stereotype of a woman was shaped in European discourses. It partially shows the process of collecting and perpetuating stereotypes as specific mental or intellectual slavery, a liberation from which may constitute a historic continuum of the efforts of many generations.