Związki Profesora Stanisława Rosponda z czasopismem "Onomastica"
Professor Stanisław Rospond’s ties with the journal Onomastica
The year 2006 was the centenary of professor Stanisław Rospond’s birth. On that occasion as well as on the 50. anniversary of the publication of the journal Onomastica the article brings back his ties with this journal. It was him who in 1955 initiated creation of a scientific journal which aim was to deal with proper names. Professor Rospond became in that time the secretary of its editorial board and held this office until 1960. Then, he published valuable articles as e.g. on the etymology of the name Ślęza and the derivatives and state of research on Slavic onomastics. Then, with unquestionable prejudice to the journal, professor Rospond broke off his collaboration with it. Only in 1982, in the year of professor Rospond’s death, there appeared a remembrance of him published by professor Kazimierz Rymut, the then chief editor of the journal. He stressed there that onomastics had been professor Rospond’s passion of life and his main scientific interest. He started by researching it and remained true to it till the end of his life. In the same volume of Onomastica there appeared also a paper that professor Rospond gave on the Dictionary of Polish Surnames its state of research, methodological fundations and importance during the first All-Polish Onomastic Conference in Szczedrzyk. In the next issue of the journal also appeared his article entitled Onomastica Sacra in which, in the light of proper names, the Gospel according to St Mark was examined. Recollection of professor Rospond’s contribution to onomastics and the journal Onomastica itself, which has a good reputation among Polish and foreign onomatologists, should last for ever.