Nehring — horyzonty pamięci


  • Aleksander Woźny

Słowa kluczowe:

pismo, mowa, pamięć, fotografia, opowiadanie transmedialne


Nehring — horizons of memory

My story of Nehring — as we called him on family meetings — lies within the horizon marked out by accounts of his brother, Ferdynand. The category borrowed from Paul Ricoeur allows for  inquiry about the shape of the memory dimension, that occurs between the pole of individual memory and collective memory. It refers to the third type of memory, the horizon, within which Władysław becomes Ferdynand’s brother. The image that emerges from a century ago may not matter much for the already formed picture of Nehring as Slavist, linguist, literary historian etc. Yet, it matters for us, his close-distants. It is also valid for a media expert dealing with words — those saved and those which were spoken — and the images.  It  is amongst the media  —  with their participation, but also among them — that the transmedial story a genologic category spread by Henry Jenkins of the Nehring brothers is created. Its separable space is filled with, preserved in the family archives, photo of one of the brothers, which accumulates the memory of three centuries.





