Trzy rozprawy Władysława Nehringa o Janie Kochanowskim


  • Aleksandra Oszczęda

Słowa kluczowe:

Jan Kochanowski, Treny, Odprawa posłów greckich, pozytywizm w badaniach literackich, Aleksander Brückner, interpretacja historycznoliteracka, monografia pisarza, badania porównawcze


<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Three studies of Władysław Nehring's on Jan Kochanowski</strong><br /><br />The subject of the article is texts of Władysław Nehring devoted to Jan Kochanowski's work and biography. The author has selected three works out of Nehring's achievements. Each of them represents a different form of scientific expression: an interpretative essay, a commented text edition and a monography, all of which combine the poet's biography with the outline of his creative work. They will be discussed consecutivelly in three paragraphs of the article.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">The essay on&nbsp; the <em>Treny</em> cycle was published twice in 1881 and 1884 and presented from two perspectives: as an example of evolution in history-literature research implementing positivistic methods of scientific research and as a documentation of Nehring's towards his own texts. Comparison of both editions of the study on Treny emphasizes basic characteristics of the 19<sup>th</sup> century philologist's techniques: matter-of-factness, precision in stating theses, classic erudition and independence of opinion.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">The second part of the article focuses on the relation between two versions of the study on <em>Odprawa posł&oacute;w greckich</em>. This time both first and second editions were published in the same year 1884, nevertheless the original text was substantially amended. The author of the article enumerates differences and indicates the nature of the modifications. As it turns out Nehring worked many matters over a nuber of times, corrected errors in the matter of the text, rearranged composition enhancing and shortening passages of text, corrected his style and adjusted the whole to a different communicative context and reader.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">In the twilight of his life, Nehring wrote a monography titled <em>Jan Kochanowski, życie i dzieła</em>. In the present article contents and layout of the book is discussed as well as methods of&nbsp; compilation of literary material. It is the main point of the third part of the study. In conclusion an idea of creating Jan Kochanowski Society, based on actual Adam Mickiewicz Society, setting field of research on old Polish literature.</p>





