Nazwiska mieszkańców dekanatu wadowickiego motywowane przez wyrazy złożone


  • Teresa Kolber

Słowa kluczowe:

nazwiska złożone, patronimika żeńskie, onimizacja, transonimizacja, derywacja sufiksalna, semantyka nazwisk złożonych


Wadowice decanate inhabitants’ surnames  which were motivated by compound words

Material for this article comes from Libri Mortuorum of Wadowice decanate published in 1786–1939. Among gathered surnames of simple structure such as Ceglarz, Karkoszka, Woźniak, there is a small group of surnames motivated by compound common words or compound personal names names and local names which were used as surrnames kołodziej > surname Kołodziej, name Chwalibóg > surname Chwalibóg, waligóra > surname Waligór-ski, name Bogusław > surname Bogusław-ski,  local name Odrzywół > surname Odrzywol-ski. We can also find surnames motivated by compound common words, recorded in polish dictionaries eg. Mrzygłódmrzygłód, Pędziwiatr < pędziwiatr, SkoczylasSkoczylas and surnames with a compound word structure which have not been found in  polish dictionaries used when writing this article e.g. Babrzymąka < babrać + mąka dirty + flour, Cedziwoda < cedzić + woda strain + waterPalichleb < palić + chleb burn + bread. Most of the compound surnames are still readable and they are emotionally featured. Surnames which were motivated by compound words  partially maintain their expressive function. Some people did not want to be associated with the real meaning of their surnames so they changed them partially for example by adding a suffix: Piwowar a pot used for making beer > Piwowarski, Stokłosa > Stokłosiński. Different spelling of words have lead to strengthening of local dialect np. Krotofilkrotochwila chw > f, Mrzygódmrzygłód > g. This caused disappearance of original semantic motivated words. Among analyzed surnames the most popular in Wadowice decanate and in Poland are three leaders: Kołodziej, Kołodziejczyk i Piwowarczyk.
Most of the surnames mentioned in this article were popular not only in XIX century. Some of them are still being used and are also written down in Ditionary of surnames used in Poland contemporary.





