Ludność rzymskokatolickiej parafii Koropiec w latach 1704–1775
The population of the Roman Catholic parish of Koropets
Koropets lies about 160 km south-east of Lviv. In the period in question the parish comprised a town and four villages on both sides of the Dniester River. The region was characterised by a varied population structure — the inhabitants included Ukrainians, Poles as well as some Jews. The article deals with the Roman Catholic parish of Koropets in 1704–1775. Parameters that can be captured in the sources are monthly seasonalities of marriages and births. Both parameters were strongly correlated with the church and agricultural calendars. The biggest number of marriages took place in February, January and November, while the biggest number of births came in January, February and March. There was also a decrease in the number of conceptions during the period of intense agricultural work, i.e. between July and November. An analysis of territorial mobility of newlyweds reveals a tendency to look for a spouse in the home village or in its vicinity — an overwhelming majority of marriages were between people living in villages situated no more than 15 km apart. An important phenomenon in the region was that of Catholic inter-ritual marriages — 15% of all marriages in the analysed parish — as well as the custom of water baptisms. In Roman Catholic registers they constituted 4.6% of all registered baptisms.