Artykuły archiwalne

Tom 111 (2017)

Mediatorzy i instytucje mediacyjne w otoczeniu administracji

Strony: 183 - 196




Since 1 June 2017, mediations in administration have astatutory foundation in the provisions of the code of administrative proceedings. Mediator’s actions, which, according to Art. 96 of the code are to help parties to adispute to settle it amicably affect the administrative bodies’ jurispru­dence. It can thus be expected that, as was the case with criminal and civil legal proceedings, medi­ators will become an indispensable part of the administrative office environment, and that mediation itself will influence the organizational culture of the public administration offices. Mediator, being the part of the environment of apublic institution, acts as alink between the organization and its specific and general surroundings. Their specific role should be considered from axiological and communicative as well as praxeological perspective. The conflicts in which public administration bodies are engaged due to their fulfilment of the law dictates the specificity of interactions between these bodies and their environment. This environment is highly dynamic, therefore mediators can be counted as the task environment for such bodies. Since it is not possible to predict all the factors influencing the body’s activity, such as the frequency with which different cases are filed, from the praxeological perspective the mediator’s participation in the court proceedings, as an organ operat­ing outside the administrative structures, is justified.