
Vol. 136 (2024)

On the legal (non)existence of a trade union organization

Pages: 33-44

PDF (Język Polski)


The author discusses the scope of the notification obligation of trade union organisations. The company-based organisations are obliged to inform the employer of the number of working members employed by the employer. In order to be able to exercise the rights set out in the Trade Union Act, the organisation must have at least ten such members and provide the relevant information to the employer in a timely manner. The consequence of failing to comply with this obligation is the loss of the rights to which the trade union organisation is entitled — until the obligation is fulfilled. Additional doubts as to the scope of this obligation arise in the case of inter-enterprise trade union organisations. According to the author, they are obliged to provide information on the total number of working members in order to benefit from the rights granted to a trade union organisation. In the case of a plurality of trade union organisations within one employer, it may be necessary to provide additional information on the number of working members employed by the employer in order to additionally obtain the attribute of representativeness. Failure to provide such more detailed information, however, does not deprive the inter-union organisation of all rights, but only those for which there is a requirement of representativeness.


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