
Vol. 71 (2024)

Lʼemploi des anglicismes de la mode et les recommandations officielles : étude des usages basée sur des outils linguistiques

Pages: 211-224



Historically, French has been a significant international language, with its influence apparent in global vocabulary borrowings. However, by the latter half of the 20th century, geopolitical shifts saw English assuming the role of the global lingua franca, thereby influencing various languages, including French. The fashion industry vividly displays this shift in French vocabulary. In earlier centuries, French dominated fashion terminology, influencing even Czech with words like “kravata” (cravate) and “bižutérie” (bijouterie). Presently, as English gains dominance in global communication, there is a surge in Anglicisms in French. Designers now frequently use English-based neologisms, believing them to heighten product appeal. France’s advanced linguistic policy, led by the Commission d’enrichissement de la langue française, works to counter this trend by providing native French equivalents, especially in economic, legal, and scientific fields. Interestingly, while Quebec’s linguistic body works in tandem with France’s, there are differences, like the term for “hashtag”: France recommends “mot-dièse” whereas Quebec suggests “mot-clic”. This paper aims to contrast the use of fashion-related Anglicisms and their official recommendations across varied linguistic tools.


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Mudrochova, R., Lazar, J., & Hirsch, F. (2024). Lʼemploi des anglicismes de la mode et les recommandations officielles : étude des usages basée sur des outils linguistiques. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 71, 211–224.